Schroedinger’s cat
Schrödinger’s cat is a thought experiment, sometimes described as a paradox, devised by Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödingerin 1935.[1] It illustrates what he saw as the problem of the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics applied to everyday objects. The scenario presents Read more…
Un físico y su hijo crean un mecanismo para ser invisibles
Link: Un físico y su hijo crean un mecanismo para ser invisibles Ver y no creer.
Live photoshop
One photographer, one Photoshop magician, one bus stop, technology, and lots of hidden cameras.
You have to put yourself in a position where luck benefits you
Great article by Daniel Baulig. A couple of weeks ago I joined Facebook as a Front End Engineer. There are many people in the world that envy that position. Plenty of my friends told me that they do. And I Read more…
Safari, trolled me
Yesterday I laughed my head off thanks to Safari, the browser. I don’t know if what i’m gonna tell below was made on purpose or they, who programmed it, are just “geniuses”. The thing was that I was testing some Read more…
Are you too old to code?
They say 10,000 hours of programming work are necessary to reach the level of expert, but once reached what happens next? Do you stay? Are you still improving? Do you fall back? Although there are different opinions, possibly the most Read more…
Confessions of a Sublime Text-aholic
Today I found a very funny while interesting post ( A developer needed to quickly remove all empty lines from a very large text file. The solution they came up with, using Sublime Text, was: Press CTRL-F Enable regular expressions (the Read more…