The internet of things
El Internet de las cosas: el vídeo de arriba es solo un ejemplo de lo que está por llegar …
El Internet de las cosas: el vídeo de arriba es solo un ejemplo de lo que está por llegar …
oftcc: The bicycle barometer takes data about the weather, the status of the tube lines I use to get to work, and whether my local station is open or shut. It then reduces all that data down to a single Read more…
The 10 Smartest People Alive Today. Judging how smart a person is can be a very subjective matter. Does their IQ score make them the smartest? Or is it more about accomplishments? The debate over this likely will never cease. Read more…
If you want to try mac or code an iOS-Mac app and need XCode but you just have a PC and can’t afford a mac, you can install OSX on a VMWare machine. But you must not upgrade beacuse it Read more…
Evelina Children’s Hospital was the first new children’s hospital to be built in London in more than a century. The hospital was designed with a goal of “making a hospital that didn’t feel like a hospital.” Accomplishing this required hospital Read more… is the act of rehearsing a behavior over and over, or engaging in an activity again and again, for the purpose of improving or mastering it, as in the phrase “practice makes perfect”. Sports teams practice to prepare for Read more…
Recently, I had the chance to read a fragment, I found somewhere on the internet, that turned out to be very interesting because it shows a very important aspect on the work field nowadays, which is sometimes ignored: the resume Read more…